


December 11, 2023. The Latin American Stock Exchange (Latinex) held the first Ring of the Bell for Climate, an initiative organized by the World Federation of Stock Exchanges (WFE) and promoted by around 25 stock exchanges. values ​​​​around the world, within the framework of COP28, the United Nations Climate Conference.

As the world faces the climate crisis, stock markets are at the center of the financial market, playing a fundamental role in guiding the course towards sustainable development and catalyzing the transition towards sustainable development.

Among the climate action initiatives adopted by Latinex and promoted among its issuers and other interest groups, the following stand out:

  • Adherence to the commitment of the Declaration of “The first 50 Carbon Neutral organizations” and “Reduce your Corporate-Carbon Footprint”, both programs promoted by the Ministry of the Environment of Panama (MiAmbiente). Where as a result of their carbon footprint management and the actions they have been carrying out to achieve carbon neutrality, Latinex has received for two consecutive years the recognition of the “Las 50 Primeras” Seal and the Carbon Footprint Inventory recognition, granted by the MiAmbiente.
  • Adherence to the Alliance of Financial Institutions towards Net Zero Emissions (NZFSPA), committing to support a transition of its market towards a net zero balance no later than 2050. Latinex is the second exchange in the Latin American region to join this NZFSPA alliance, which is part of the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ).
  • Participation of Latinex in the Advisory Council of the GFANZ network for Latin America and the Caribbean, with the representation of Olga Cantillo, Executive President of Latinex.
  • In response to calls for climate action at COP28, Latinex came together to support the establishment of a market infrastructure that enables consistent and comparable climate-related disclosures globally, committing to drive adoption or use of the Standard ISSB Climate Report as a global climate reference base.
  • Participation in the advisory working group on Carbon Markets, with the aim of contributing to the development of the guide such as “How stock exchanges can make the most of the opportunities of carbon markets: A framework for action”.
  • Promotion of thematic issues, including green bonds, including sustainable and/or green bonds, in which the capital obtained is used to reduce environmental impacts (e.g., more eco-efficient technologies, renewable energy generation, etc.) . Latinex offers its issuers the Guide for the Issuance of Social, Green and Sustainable Negotiable Securities, which is in the process of being updated to include new internationally recognized standards and instruments.

Climate finance is essential to address climate change, with a view to achieving the transition to a low-carbon global economy and helping societies increase their resilience, mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change. With the implementation of all these actions, Latinex reaffirms its commitment to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 13: Climate Action, being aware of the global climate urgency, and as part of its commitment to promoting a market Panamanian low carbon, inclusive and resilient. Latinex urges private and government entities to adopt urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects